Stop Nursing Student Burnout: Music Therapy Shows Positive ImpactMusic as medicine! Study reveals how music therapy helps nursing students thrive, boosting retention & saving healthcare big bucks.Mike ManginiMike Mangini has successfully applied his Rhythm Knowledge learning method to all styles of music, from classical jazz to speed metal. He has consi...Beat the OddsBeat the Odds® is an evidence-based and trauma-informed program that integrates the power of contemporary drum circles and group counseling to build core strengths such as focusing and listening, team building, leadership, expressing feelings, managing anger/stress, empathy, kindness, and gratitude.John RamsayI began in 1962 as a self-taught rock drummer. I played for 10 years professionally before I began to study formally with Alan Dawson at the ripe o...Animal Skins vs. Synthetic DrumheadsWhat are the differences between animal rawhide and synthetic drumheads?University Of South CarolinaFounded in 1920 as a student-led group of approximately 20 students, the Carolina Band has grown to number more than 350 students representing over...Creating Classroom Connection & JoyStephanie Hammerman is a special education teacher at Birmingham Community Charter High School. She works with students affected with moderate/severe abilities. Stephanie had attended drum circles at the REMO Recreational Music Center in North Hollywood C ...Owen RockwellOwen Rockwell, DMA is Specialty Instructor of Dance and Music at Belhaven University where he serves as Director of Music for the Department of Dan...Music Teachers Bringing the World of Rhythm to the ClassroomDiscover the transformative power of music and drumming. Learn how REMO's Rhythm and Wellness division and educators like Valerie Vinnard use rhythm to foster social-emotional learning, inclusion, and academic success worldwide.Benjamin SesarIf they had an AA type of organization for music addicts, I would be a top-qualifying candidate. My first fix came at the age of four when my dad e...University Of North AlabamaThe University of North Alabama Band program is the largest student organization on the UNA campus. Since its inception in 1949, the band program h...Pacific Crest Drum And Bugle CorpsPacific Crest is made up of 150 performers (selected by audition), and our summer season includes a two-month tour of 25 performances throughout th...University Of FloridaThe University of Florida Fightin' Gator Marching Band is one of the largest and most recognizable student organizations on campus. Comprised of ov...Tomoko "Tomtom" YokotaTomoko is based in Matsuyama on the island of Shikoku in Southern Japan. She is co-founder of a country-wide drum circle group, OrangeBoomBoom...Nancy Brauhn-CurnesNancy Brauhn-Curnes, MA is the founder of Djembe Jive in Loveland, Colorado, offering facilitated drum circles, instruction, and performances...About Bongo Boy Music More Than Just A Music School….Bongo Boy Music™ Inc. was established in 1998 by Ed Gaus as a music production company. With a heart to help people of all ages ...Tom FreerTom Freer is the President and CEO of Freer Percussion Products. Tom is the Assistant Principal Timpanist and Section Percussionist with The Clevel...Bobby BlotzerBobby Blotzer has been drumming professionally since his early youth. By 1984 he had joined RATT, signed their first record deal, and recorded “Out...K. Michelle Lewis YeshimaK. Michelle Lewis, also known by their transpersonal name, Yeshima, is a researcher, author, percussionist, presenter, arranger, Ph.D. student, Lan...Dana HallBorn in Brooklyn, New York, drummer Dana Hall has been an important musician on the international music scene since 1992. After completing his educ...Brian BlumeAs a performer, composer, and educator, it is Brian Blume’s passion to connect with audiences and students through the art of percussion. In 2020, ...Jim WhiteDrummer Jim White is an active performer and educator. His first musical experiences took place in his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, where he studi...Tubby WadsworthTubby Wadsworth is an Australian drum educator and freelance drum kit artist who specializes in applied rudimental applications to drum kit. His pa...Pat GarveyPat Garvey has been a professional musician for nearly 27 years and is one of the UK’s most prominent players and educators. He is Head of Drums/Dr...