Remo Congratulates 2016 WGI World Champions

Pulse Percussion won the Gold Medal in PIW division with a score of 98.0 atthe WGI World Championships held in Dayton Ohio from April 14th through the16th.
Led by Ian Grom and John Mapes, their show entitled, Brother, about thebrotherhood of an orphanage, Pulse Percussion put on an amazing musical andvisual performance. Congratulations the rest of the staff and performers on anoutstanding season.

Ayala HS led by Ike Jackson and Sean Gordon won the Gold Medal in the PSWdivision with their show entitled, Igor’s Riot, about Igor Stravinsky’s Rite ofSpring .

Chino Hills HS led by John Mapes and Ian Grom won the Silver Medal in thePSW division with their show entitled, Men are from Mars, Women are fromVenus.
Remo congratulates the following WGI ensembles who depend on Remo for theirsuperior sound.
Rounding out the rest of the PIW division were, Infinity (Tom Hurst),Matrix(Rob Ferguson), Cavaliers (Joe Roach), The Cadets (Rich Hammond) OC Indoor(Mike Stevens, Micah Brusse) United Percussion (Chad Moore) POW Percussion(John Mapes, and Ian Grom) Dark Sky Percussion (Seth Woodard) Atlanta Quest(Ben Smart)
Additional Remo PSW finalists include, Dartmouth HS (Tom Aungst) CenterGrove HS (Josh Torres), Petal HS (Tony Lymon)

The Vigilantes , Led by Tyler Orbison, won the Gold Medal in the PIOdivision with their show entitled, We The People

Spirit of America led by Ian Hale and Colin McNutt won the Silver Medal inthe PIO division with their show entitled, Aggression.

River City Rhythm won the Bronze medal in the PIO division with their showentitled, Refugee.
Additional PIO finalists include, Monarch (Kyle Winn), Bakersfield College(David Ellis), Rise Percussion (Jake Euler), Civitas (Brian Turner), MatrixOpen (Rob Ferguson), Infinity 2 (Mike Hansen), Freedom Percussion (MikeDavis)

Sparkman HS won the Gold Medal on the PSO division with their show entitled,Aurora, Ritual of light.

Norwalk HS led by Chris Rivera won the Silver Medal in the PSO division withtheir show entitled, Break.
Additional PSO finalists include, Escambia HS (Terry Sanders).MechanicsburgHS (Brian Stockard),Central Crossing HS (Thomas Sparling),Trumbull HS (JosephEstevez),Lawrence Township HS (Steve Yoder)

Stryke 2 won the Gold Medal in the PIA division with their show entitled,Red.

Infinity 3 won the Silver Medal in the PIA division with their showentitled, Magnetized 3D
Additional finalists PIA include,Farmingdale United (Joe Kuerzi),Revelation(Jamey LaFevers),Aftermath (Rick Wolfel),Axis Percussion

Norton Hs Led by Rob Ferguson and Thomas Sparling won the Bronze Medal inthe PSA division with their show entitled, Worn.
PSA Finalist include,Foothill HS (Nick Waters)

The Ayala HS concert percussion ensemble led by Sean Gordon, and Ike Jacksontook home the Gold medal in the PSCW division with their show entitled, As thelast page turns.

Goshen HS led by Derrick Shannon won the Bronze Medal in the PSCW divisionwith their show entitled, As the wind blows.
Remo would like to congratulate all WGI participants on another outstandingseason.
For more additional information about WGI and the WGI World Championships,please visit
Apr 21, 2016
Jul 18, 2024