From the moment the drums arrived on site, the school was vibrant with enthusiasm in anticipation of the beginning our drumming class. Students, who would otherwise rush home after the last bell rang, happily helped to unpack and assemble the new drums from REMO. Then something magical happened. The school came alive as the students proudly played the drums in procession to the classroom with confidence and beaming smiles all along the way.

Last February, Aaron Nigel Smith, founder of One World Chorus, had the opportunity to spend a week as a guest music teacher at the Haile Selassie High School in Kingston, Jamaica. This experience was transformative for the students, the greater community and for Aaron. Thanks to the support of the Remo drums ,1Love Foundation and Keen Footwear, he was not only able to return to Haile Selassie High School, but also donated 37 drums to the school that will be used to continue a weekly drum class.

From the moment the drums arrived on site, the school was vibrant with enthusiasm in anticipation of the beginning our drumming class. Students, who would otherwise rush home after the last bell rang, happily helped to unpack and assemble the new drums from REMO. Then something magical happened. The school came alive as the students proudly played the drums in procession to the classroom with confidence and beaming smiles all along the way.

In post-residency interviews, a reoccurring theme was the affirmation that music makes the students feel better, giving them a sense of hope and possibility.
Feb 22, 2016
Jul 18, 2024