Terri Kuberski, LCPC, MA
HealthRHYTHMS Endorsed Facilitator

"The HealthRhythms protocol gives professionals an evidence based tool, that gives individuals a voice and sense of community where often it is lacking. Remo truly "walks the talk.""

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
MA: Professional Counseling
BA: Psychology AAS: Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling
Populations Served:
Well Elderly, Dually Diagnosed, Drug Rehab and Women
Special HealthRHYTHMS Moments:
I had a great moment with my Geriatric-Psych HR group:
We were starting Inspirational Beats and the clients were choosing what instrument they wanted to use to answer the question, How are you feeling today? I turned to see one lady shaking a REMO Thera-Bell up and down her arms and body. When I asked her about it she stated she was giving herself a "jingle bath" and "It really feels good."
One of the first HealthRhythm groups I facilitated...
was while working in Drug Rehab with a group of women mandated by the Dept of Children and Family Services. During conventional group therapy one client, a woman in her 50s struggled to relate to her 20-30 year old counterparts. During the HealthRhythms protocol of “Rhythmic Naming” this woman was allowed the opportunity to hear her name, for the 1st time in a long time, in a positive light, while supported by her peers. As the HealthRhythms protocol unfolded so did each individual woman. I saw this woman who barely said a word in group singing and laughing and encouraging her peers, people she felt she truly could not relate to, do the same as they encouraged her to become one with them. The change did not stop there at the door that day, but continued on in the conventional therapy groups to follow.

Connecting with a special memory:
During the Guided Imagery Drumming, the lights are low and the group is playing a heart-beat rhythm to some ocean music in the background. All is going as expected, people are relaxing. As it comes to an end I check in with each person. One lady is quiet for a moment, then she says: "I was there, with my husband. We were holding hands like we use to." This woman was allowed a moment with her long deceased husband who she loves dearly.