I studied Philosophy, Theology and get a degree in music (classical percussion) at the conservatoire of Barcelona. Masters in Music Therapy at the University Ramon LLull of Barcelona and Master in society of information and communication (Open University of Catalonia).
My life has always related to music and specially drums. I’ve been trained as a drum kit player and spend 10 years playing all kind of gigs and different styles ( Pop Music, Gospel, dance gigs and spend several years in dixieland bands in Barcelona-na). In my country a formal training meant to spend some years at the consevatoire and that’s why I enrolled in my classical percussion degree. I made my final dis-dissertation in pedagogy and Drum Circles were the subject chosen. I was by this time interested in Music therapy. I’ve studied an MA on this and started to make part of my living from this field after finishing my training. I’ve been working mainly with Psychiatric inpatients as my main population but open to other populations from all ages. By now I’m running several projects related to Music and wellness in the community.
I’m regularly teaching in several MA programs due to my experience in the field of Music used in mental Health. (During 2016-2017 term I’ve been in Murcia, Valencia, Barcelona and Sevilla). I’ve also been a professor in Barcelona University for 11 years by now. I’m working on my PHD dissertation on the program Education and Society. Currently, board member of the Catalan Music Therapy Association.
I’ve been teaching drums for last 30 years in several music schools in Catalonia. In 2014 I’ve contacted Arthur Hull in my first six days program and became his regional organizer in Spain. This situation opened a new path of development. I’m spe-cially interested in community building/social activism, education and health/wellness as my main areas of focus. I’ve accepted also works in corporate and team building but those are not my preferred populations.