After studying at the University of Göttingen and Kassel to become a teacher, Mathias began been working as a professional freelance percussionist for live and studio (world music, jazz and modern) theater and musical productions. He has played with various international musician such as Natsuko Inada (Japan), Allan Potean (Tobago) , Diego Jaskalevich (Argentinia), Hamid Baroudi (Algeria), Ruben Gonzales (Cuba), Hans Tammen & Third Eye Orchestra (NY) and many other and had toured to Japan, Singapore, USA, Canada, Algeria and all over Europe.
These music projects helped him gain rich experience in his new field of world of Drum Circles.
From 2002 to 2016 Mathias has taken Drum Circle Facilitator Training with Arthur Hull (Basic, Advance, 6 Day Training, Mentor Training) almost every year. Mathias and his colleague Bernd Nentwig (percussion+m) were drum circle pioneers in Germany. They produced every Arthur Hull Facilitator Training in Germany from 2002 to 2016 in Kassel and Weimar. And with their tremendous outreach they paved the way for the German drum circle community.
The last 16 years Mathias has facilitated countless drum circles events, in some cases over 1.000 participants per event; school events (school tours from the year 2002-2008 event with over 50,000 participants), team building and corporate drum circles ; trade shows, conventions; for social and therapeutic facilities, as part of cultural and city festivals.
In 2002 Mathias organized with the percussion+m Team countless community Drum Circle for free in his hometown of Kassel.
He is also co-author of the book: „Drum Circle - The Groove für alle“ in German language published by Schott /DVD included (MUB5010). The two authors Anke Böttcher and Mathias Reuter have developed and improved the drum circle method especially for teachers. The didactic concept of this main German drum circle guide is clear and reasonable.
Mathias is also a workshop leader for various organizations such as: Arbeitskreis Südtiroler Mittel,Ober- und BerufschullehrerInnen / Thür. Institut f. Lehrerfortbildung / Arbeitskreis für Schulmusik / Bundesverband für Musikunterricht / Verband deutscher Schulmusiker / offene Jazzhausschule Köln / Uni Hannover / Music Collage Hannover / Landesmusikakademie Sachsen-Anhalt / Landesmusikakademie Hessen / Landesmusikakademie Rheinland-Pfalz / Landesmusikakademie NRW / Let´s make music / Weltkongress der Musiktherapie (Krems) 2015 (WCMT) / Bertelsmann Stiftung/ Horizonte - Hertie Stiftung / buddY E.V. - Forum Neue Lernkultur / Robert Bosch Stiftung / Verband deutscher Musikschulen / Berufsbildungszentrum Kassel / percussion creativ e.V. / Berufliche Schulen Bad Hersfeld /Bildungszentrum Saalfeld / Orffsche Schulwerk Gesellschaft / Fröbelseminar / Vitos Akademie and many others.
Mathias Reuter is the co- founder of percussion+m and also a DCFG Member.