Dominique Lemire, MCAT, MT-BC
Music Therapist
"Facilitating HealthRHYTHMS I feel like I am offering a safe place where people can have the opportunity to revisit or restore their own power."
Adjunct Faculty for Music Therapy Program
Marywood University
Master of Creative Arts in Therapy
Hahnemann/Drexel University
Population Served:
Wellness women's group, athletic teams (college and high school level), general community
Special HealthRHYTHMS Moments:
Jackie, a client who was dealing with terminal lung cancer, came to the next session stating: "I wake up in the morning and I drum on my pillow before getting up, it gives me the energy to go on for the day".
Mary, a client with terminal brain cancer started crying during the imagery and music. I asked if she wanted to share and she said " I just realized that I am ready to go and it is time to let people know around me that I am ready to go, it's gonna be okay".
Articles by Dominique
Knowing a Little More