The Remo Impact Patch is a high-strength beater impact patch made exclusively with Mylar film, the strongest in the industry.
The Remo Impact Patch is a high-strength beater impact patch made exclusively with Mylar film, the strongest in the industry. Available in 2.5” and 4” diameter single pedal circles, as well as double pedal configurations, the Remo Impact Patch offers twice the durability of a standard drumhead. Other patches tend to add a click-like attack to the bass drum, but the Remo Impact Patch is made with the same drumhead film you are already playing on, and so it won’t change your sound. It will quickly and easily do what it is intended to do: extend the life of your bass drum head. Simply peel the paper off the adhesive backing and apply the patch to your bass drumhead where your bass drum beater makes contact.